About Us
Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama – Missionary & Service Wing of Bailur Math
It was around 2004 that from a Common Divine Spring three streams emerged with separate independent identity. The Common Divine Source received the public recognition with the name BAILUR MATH. This Bailur Math is a Lamp lit by a spark of the already existing brightest flame of Divinity and Spirituality, the well-known Ramakrishna Movement. The three independent streams are the three institutions – Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama (the Men Monastic Wing), Sharada Foundation (the Women Monastic Wing), Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Mission and Service Wing).
This Trust is run by The Board of Trustees who are the devotees of Ashrama, coming from various walks of life and are achievers in their own respective fields and some monks of Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama are too on the board. Although we are spiritually and ideologically one with the other two institution of Bailurmath, this organization is an independent unit which is registered as a non-profit public charitable trust, and is recognized and registered under IT Dept., Govt. of India with income-tax exemption for donors under Section 80G. To know more about men monastic wing visit www.rkashrambailurmath.org and to know more about women monastic organization visit www.sharadafoundation.org.
Our organization is a non-profit, which is committed solely to furthering the principles and ideals of the Global Ramakrishna Movement. We do not seek any personal gains but aspire to create a space where spiritual seekers so that they can find solace, guidance, and the means to explore their inner divinity. Join us in Embracing the Essence of Thakur and Mother’s Divine Love and Service, where the pursuit of spirituality transcends boundaries, and unity and harmony prevail. Together, let us navigate this path of enlightenment, inspired by the ideals of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva, Holy Mother Sharada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.
The Ashramas at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) are not branches of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur, Howrah, but precisely work on the same principles and closely follow the same ideals and ideology.
Our Aim & Ideal
The life transforming message and teachings of Holy Trio are one of absolute purity, of intense faith and devotion, radiating love and peace, of forbearance and compassion, of Motherhood and Divinity. They are embodiment of love, service and sacrifice, being ever one with Mother Nature and the Society in which we live and also one with the Nation which is our Mother and our life from cradle to grave, and is ever one with the entire humanity to which we belong to. These supreme values are the pivot of this Trust. Seeking our own spiritual evolution as also of others around and the urgent need of educating the mankind to live a stress-free and secured life of self-dependence and lasting joy, peace and social security and be of help in building a strong Nation, strong society and a stable social structure — all these have necessitated formation of This Trust. In principles, ideas and ideals as well as goals and activities the organization follows entirely The Ramakrishna Tradition as set by Swami Vivekananda, and thus, is a humble participant in the world encompassing Great Ramakrishna Movement.
Our Vision and Mission
We owe a lot to the society we live in. We are indebted to the land and its people; even if we dedicate our entire life, lives after life in serving, we can never repay the debt of our holy Motherland and its divine citizens. It is a land of spirituality, divine through and through. Moreover, human life has only two purposes ― to spiritually evolve to one’s own Divine-hood and, to serve all beings pouring out pure love ― “आत्मनो मोक्षार्थं जगद् हिताय च”.
The Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama, Missionary and Service wing of Bailur Math is a contributor in its own little way to the activities of the worldwide Ramakrishna Movement, consisting of educated renunciates and dedicated devotees, well-wishers who have pledged their lives for realising God and serving humanity in all possible ways.
Our Mission is to establish Viveka-Darshan a Spiritual, Cultural and Educational institution complex on Swami Vivekananda and his teachings inclusive of the Global Monument of Swami Vivekananda as its heart, wherein every type of knowledge and practical training will be provided, which are not commonly available elsewhere. It also aims at five types of developments ― physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual ― necessary for giving fulfilment in human life and which ensure a joyful, peace-filled and happy life here throughout the life and also ensures everlasting peace, unending happiness and eternal freedom.
The essential principle behind all these activities is the ancient principle that serves and sustains human race and human welfare ― the grandest ideal ‘one world of love, peace and harmony’ and ‘a world free from all traces of discord, conflicts and suffering’. This has stirred the hearts of the pious and noble from time immemorial, and ours too now. The Indian constant prayer all through the ages has been:
- सङ्गच्छध्वं सं वदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम् । देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे सञ्जानाना उपासते ॥ समानो मन्त्रः समतिः समानी समानं मनः सह चित्तमेषाम् । समानं मन्त्रमभि मन्त्रये वः समानेन वो हविषा जुहोमि । समानी व आकूतिः समाना हृदयानि वः । समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा वः सुसहासति ॥
Be united and move together. Speak together compatibly in one voice. Learn together, know each other and let your thoughts and opinions be united. Receive your fortune and all that you get together for collective welfare ― as did the fore marching godly people did collectively understanding each other. Let your decisions be one and united, living together with common aim. Let your companionship be one. Let your minds and awareness be united. I initiate you with common Mantra (mystic syllable or principle of life or with injunction of living together). I fill you with common objects and objectives. Let your thoughts and projects and hearts be united in such a way that you will seek and have collective welfare.
- सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया: ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दु:खभाग् भवेत् ॥
May everyone be happy; may everyone be healthy; May everyone flourish with prosperity, security and peace; may none have any type of sufferings. And, we have pledged our lives to walk on that glorious path to peace and perfection.
Genesis - The Ramakrishna Movement
The Ramakrishna Movement needs no introduction, being the most significant movement on the world platform that has been influencing all sectors of human life. Its uniqueness and speciality is that it can be adopted and owned by any and every person without any need to leave one’s own path, principles and way of life. And, once owned he/she finds oneness with the rest of the world and one’s spiritual evolution begins – from animal-hood to divine-hood.
This movement is named after Sri Ramakrishna, the celebrated Spiritual Eminence, renowned as ‘Prophet of modern times’ and is worshipped by Hindus as an Incarnation of God. Sri Ramakrishna lived the whole gamut of the spiritual evolution in all possible ways that makes man a ‘GOD’ in reality. He practised all honoured paths to Perfection that man could evolve, reached the common End, giving validity to all paths and showing their common base and common end. Thus his life lived in the broad day light of history is as much valid and valuable as any scriptures on this earth. Apart from spiritual life and spiritual attainments he emblazoned the absolute necessity of ethical and all human values and developments for a peaceful and joyful living in this earth. Many eminent people of that time were astonished by his life and were charmed by his teachings. Hundreds of people received his teachings, got transformed, lived his teachings and gave it to others around. Thus began the Ramakrishna Movement. His message to mankind, of peace, universal love, spirituality and Oneness, was proclaimed and broadcast to the world at large by his chief disciple Swami Vivekananda who, for its implementation and promulgation founded the twin organisations Sri Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. With the formation of twin organisations, the Ramakrishna Movements took a concrete form and got spread in an organised way. Presently they are having 274 branch centres spread all over the world. As per the dream of Swami Vivekananda, “With Holy Mother as the centre of inspiration, a Math is to be established on the eastern banks of the Ganga. As Brahmacharins and Sadhus will be trained in this Math (Belur Math) so in the other Math also, Brahmacharinis and Sadhvis will be trained”, and thus was formed women monastic organization Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, which has 35 branch centres all over the world.
Following their footsteps, thousands of Independent Ashramas and organisations have come into existence. With the ever-widening circle of private Ashramas, service units, followers, devotees, admirers and well-wishers, the Ramakrishna Movement is gaining momentum. Apart from the branch centres of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, there are more than 3000 private Ashramas/units working in India.
This worldwide Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Movement has made substantial progress in achieving its objectives of establishing universal peace and oneness bound by universal love. The world is responding to the call as an immediate necessity. The basic principle governing peace is harmony. The Movement is trying through its ideology to build up the harmony of science and spirituality, harmony of ancient and modern, harmony of spiritual and secular, harmony of the East and the West, harmony of all religions and religious paths of the world. It is striving to impart spiritual fulfilment and give an impetus to the development of human faculties. Above all, the Movement is committed to serve man and all beings as manifestations of God, totally dissolving all distinctions of caste, creed, race, religion, nationality and linguistic differences.
The eternal and universal principles of ancient Indian philosophy are brought down to the common man’s reach in such a way that it can be applied in practical life to solve social problems and problems of life. In the world torn by political, religious, sectarian, ethnic, racial and linguistic conflicts/differences, the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Movement remains as fountainhead of Spirituality that dissolves all differences and showers peace, harmony and joy.
The whole Movement collectively has been contributing to the welfare and progress of humanity by serving the poor, the needy, the sick, the downtrodden, by running schools, collages, orphanages and dispensaries, hospitals, relief and rehabilitation work for the victims of natural and manmade calamities and rural development works. This is the Ramakrishna Movement, and is the driving force behind our Ashrama and the Bailur Math group of institutions and is moving along the same current with the same goal. The Ramakrishna Movement has both monastic and non-monastic organisations. Of the twin organisations (the pioneers of the Ramakrishna Movement) the Ramakrishna Math is purely a men monastic order, while the Ramakrishna Mission is a public association or society open to monks as well as lay people. Similarly, Sri Sarada Math is purely the women monastic order, and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission is a public association or society open to all Sadhvi’s as well as lay people. The Movement also contains purely non-monastic organisation like the Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari. This Ashrama, Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama is the dedicated and independent Missionary and Service Wing of the Bailur Math group of institutions.
Board of Trustees
Smt. Ammunje Sumatha Ramesh Nayak
Founder President, Partner – Gautham Agencies, Pharmaceutical Distributors, Udupi.
Sri. K. G. Raghavan
Senior Advocate, Bangalore.
Sri. H. V. Gowthama
Senior Chartered Accountant, Bangalore.
Sri. Manandi N. Suresh
Entrepreneur, Past Dist. Governor – Rotary Dist. 3190 & Past President FKCCI., Bangalore.
Sri. M. C. R. Shetty
Entrepreneur and Past President KASSIA, Bangalore.
Col (Retd) H Ashok Kini
Chairman, Faith Foundation and Ex-Servicemen
Dr. B Balajith Shetty
Entrepreneur and Consultant, Bana Consultancy, Pune
Swami Vibudhananda
Monk, Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Bailur Math.