Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (R)
Appeal – Join hands

Appeal – Join hands

Join your hands

Viveka-Darshan is a project of historical and international importance where all the enabling forces have to come together: physical, intellectual, moral, monetary, power of the machinery, above all the power of unremittingly spiritual grace.  Please help us, in all possible ways to bring this Divine initiative to a grand success.  Extend us your support in this Divine initiative by participating as :

  1. As a Donor 
  2. As a Volunteer
  3. By raising funds for this Divine initiative
  4. By giving us the contact of  persons who can volunteer or donate.

Current Status:
We have completed the first face of land purchase extent of 10.5 acres where the first component of Viveka-Darshan, Viveka-Dham the life display of Swami Vivekananda will be built. The permission for the stone quarry from which the stone block for The Global monument of Swami Vivekananda will be extracted and adjoining land of 10.5 acres, due approval procedure under the Forest Conservation Act (FCA) is under progress is right now at Hon. The Government of India approval stage having been positively recommended by Hon. State Government of Karnataka to Hon. Government of India.  The alternative land of 10.57 acers to be given to Forest Department under FCA provision has already been identified and purchased.

Our Current Immediate Need
As a part of 2nd stage, we are now focussing on the acquisition of another 11acres of adjoining land for which agreement has been done.  Also the primary focus is to finish the basic infrastructure so that the people responsible for building of Viveka Darshan can start stay at the premises and the on ground activity start. Also we want to do detailed land mapping and DPR for the work execution to begin. We are in need to raise Rs.2.5 crores for completing this 2nd phase so that the Vision of Viveka Darshan be ready with a firm foundation to take wings.

Appeal to Donors

We humbly request the large hearted Donors, Devotees, Well-wishers of mankind to come forward and support, participate in this Divine Cause through your liberal contributions and donations and make use of this once in a life-time mission for bringing Swami Vivekananda’s legacy to world in a new light so as to reach the masses.  Your contributions shall remain through ages on this earth inspiring men, young and old alike and guiding their steps to the fulfilment of the life’s purpose and attain Blessedness.  

We wish to bring to your kind notice that the Donor’s name or in whosesoever memory the Donations are made will be displayed as mentioned below:
  1. Chief Patrons, Rs.1 Crore & above : on the very platform of the Monument.
  2. Patrons :  Rs.25 Lakhs, on the stone plaques either sides of the Monument.
  3. Life Members :  Rs.10 Lakhs, at a prominent place in precincts of the Monument.
  4. Members: Rs.05 Lakhs, at a prominent place within the theme park.
For the first 25 Donors who will contribute Rs. 35 Lakhs (1 Acre of Land), their name shall be put on the steps leading to the platform of the Monument.  All donations will get exemption u/s 80G of India IT Act, 1961.

The account details (Only for Indian Donors) : 

SB A/c No : 01212200091140

A/c Name : Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust, Bailur

IFSC Code : CNRB0010121

Bank : Canara Bank, Bailur, Karkala. 

DD/Cheques etc. should be drawn in favour of  “Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust, Bailur“.

Please share a screen shot of your donation done by UPI means through WhatsApp on +91 9071084755 or email at This is only for Indian Donors. We can’t accept foreign donations at this moment as we don’t have FCRA registration.

Note to donors

  1. Request to please intimate us by email or WhatsApp on below details on credit of any donation.
    WhatsApp: +91 9880705858 / +91 9071084755 / +91 9945152755.
  2. We don’t have registration under FCRA and hence we don’t accept donations from Foreign Nationals or Foreign passport holders.
  3. For donations under CSR initiatives Click here
  4. Viveka Darshan executive committee Read more